krisis,crise, crisis,crisi/ κρίσις (Demosthenes Agrafiotis)

Demosthenes Agrafiotis - Krisis
Printed book: 14,5×21 cm, 16 pages, N/B.
Typography : Leonidas Ikonomou
Publisher: OFFERTA SPECIALE // Ricettario di Poesia Internationale /Visual Editions
Turin, Italia, 2013.
Carla Bertola & Alberto Vitacchio.
Corso De Nicola 20, 10128 TORINO, IT
tel +39-011/3186016

The book was presented in the ARTFIERA, Bologna, IT, 24-27/01/2014.
Fiera internazionale d’arte moderna e contemporanea

Book preview (pdf)

Related works: Ebook version – Krisis (Demosthenes Agrafiotis), other ebook – Autorité, Crise. AutoCRISte. (Demosthenes Agrafiotis)

Some of its illustrations have been used in Autorité et force du dire by Kostas Nasikas.


krisis,crise, crisis,crisi/ κρίσις (Demosthenes Agrafiotis) — 2 Comments

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